I'll start with the depressive/tragedic news. On sunday, we went to Akihabara, "electric town", where one can purchase everything (and I mean everything) in the fields of electronics, manga, anime, games etc.
Anyhow, we had walked around for maybe an hour or so, entering a lot of stores (many of which go up for 5-6 floors or more), and when we exited one store, we noticed there were a lot of people, and a lot of cops, ambulances, firetrucks and maybe 5-6 helicopters in the sky. We figured that something huge had happened, but we didn't know what. And there were a lot of cops. Then, we noticed a large pool of blood on the street. We first thought 'jumper', from one of the many tall buildings, but there were too much going on for that. A bit later we noticed another pool of blood, this time on the street in a crossing. Then Japan's version of CIA arrived to the scene, all dressed in black in their suede cars, and we realised that it was a murder that had happened.
We turned on the TV on our cellphones (yep, got TV on our cellphones, and it's free) and it was on the news on maybe three channels, sending live from the scene (at this time, a freakish amount of reporters had arrived), but we couldn't understand so much except that they said something about 5 people and 7 people. We realised that it probably meant 5 dead, 7 injured.
We were somewhat wrong though, we later found out that some lunatic had gone berserk and started running over people, to then start stabbing people. A total of 7 people died, and 10 were injured. And we were on the same block, maybe 100 meters from the scene, except a couple of floors up. It feels weird to have been so close to something like that It's not really something you think will happen.
Well, enough about that, we are still having fun here in the biggest city in the world, except that it's been raining a bit the latest days, especially today. It's been pouring down actually, and it started just as we were about to see Tokyos imperial palace. Well, if it's better tomorrow, we'll see it then.
Other things of interest we've seen are the gardens around meiji-jingu, and more Harajuku-people. Oh, and of course the Sony Building. That was actually really cool, and we got to see a lot of new products, and even one that hasn't been released yet: a brand-new concept of loudspeakers. Well, at least I think it's a new concept, because I've never seen anything like it. It is to be released next month to the price of 10 000 US dollars. It looks like a two-meter tall tube made of transparent glass, very stylish. It emits sound in 360 degrees, and therefore can't really be used for surroundsound in movies for example. This is only used for music, and it has really, really good sound. Smooth bass and everything. If it wasn't for the pricetag I'd buy one immediately.
Another rather interesting experience was sleeping a night in the famous capsule hotels. We went there on sunday, and I must say, I really liked it (Jonas too). It consisted of a 9 floor building, with the reception on the second floor and capsules on floor 3-8 (8 is for women only). the ninth floor had somewhat of a spa, which was a nice surprise. You even got a razor, toothbrush, towels and linens. The spa consisted of a sauna, shower and even a small onsen ( kind of like a hot tub). That was really nice, and when we went to sleep we noticed that the capsules were a lot bigger than we had imagined, something like 1m x 1,5m x 2m. So you could easily sit inside of them. Each capsule had a TV, radio, alarmclock and thankfully a lamp.
Anyhow, since it only costs 3000 Yen (18 euros), we highly recommend them (even though the beds were a bit too hard).
Well, enough writing, time for pictures. Won't add as many as the last post, but a select few at least. Enjoy!