onsdag 4 juni 2008

The Journey Begins

Hello everybody!

Both flights were great (first from Arlanda to Helsinki, then Helsinki to Narita Tokyo). On the second flight we even had our own personal entertainment system! It had a bunch of movies, TV-shows and so on. We watched the movie Jumper, then Going By the Book (a funny Korean flick) and lastly I watched Juno, which I thought was amazing.

Now we are sitting in our Hostel tired something fierce. Jonas can't even keep his eyes open during the time it takes to write this. Tokyo is truly a very odd city, we have only seen a fraction of Asakusa as of yet, but it is still full of weird people and monuments. Also next to a shopping-street full of expensive objects, one finds shrines and monks wandering about.

Well, that's all from us this time, we will try and update as often as we have enough willpower.

See you!

-Christoffer & Jonas

5 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Hej på er!

Kul att höra att allt har gått bra! Och skoj också att ni redan lagt upp bilder! =)
Mamma och Pappa hälsar så mycket, jag släppte just av dem vid Rosella.
Ha det bra nu, jag ser fram emot era uppdateringar!
Kram Alexandra

Anonym sa...


Anonym sa...


Roligt att se att ni kommit iväg! Hoppas ni orkar hålla bloggen uppdaterad. Ni lär ju inte ha brist på saker att skriva om direkt..

Ha det!
// Axel

Christoffer sa...

Tack for kommentarerna, lite svart att skriva med en japansk laptop, men det gar. For att svara pa Linneas kommentar: hakkors har anvants av buddhismen i evigheter, de har tva stycken, ett som gar medsols och ett som gar motsols (detta tog Hitler och tiltade lite). Sa inget udda med det.

Ha det bra

Anonym sa...

O men det vet jag Toffe, har dock aldrig sett det in action så att säga förut. Lustigt det där.