onsdag 23 juli 2008

God Damn It


As maybe detected from the tone of the title of this post, it ain`t a happy one.

Well, guess what? We suck at planning. We missed the frickin` train again. So now we`re stuck in Osaka with our backpacks in the lobby of our hotel 150 kilometers away. Can`t exactly walk. The phonecall to our hotel trying to explain that we missed the last train and that we still wanted to keep our reservation (we`re to stay at that hotel 3 nights) was "fun", considering she did not speak a word of english. We had to use every bit of japanese we could muster, so that it sounded something like: "Eeeehh, uhmm suigo no denssha wa ... missed.. eeeehh .. watashi-tachi no baggu wa toyoko hoteru desu, eeehhh ... demo ima wa uhmm .. watashitachi wa Osaka desu.. Wakarimasuka?"
Very professional, right?

Anyhow, thank all gods that there`s a Media Cafe Popeye here (were even members), so we have something to do and a roof over our heads. It`s almost so nice here you don`t feel sorry to miss the last train. Private little cubicle with TV and computer (with internet, of course), all the manga in the world, quite a lot of DVDs, three huge vending-machines that don`t cost nothing, so you can OD on Coca\Cola, Fanta Melon or Fanta Grape (whereas the two latter I`m deeply sorry don`t exist in Finland, since they`re wicked good) or any of the immense variety of drinks available. There`s showers, and some food for sale. Oh, and the best thing is, they have a moviepage accessed via internet where there`s a lot of movies available to watch for free (watched The Fifth Element and Black Snake Moan the other day, both amazingly awesome). Really great place, and really cheap considering what you get. If they`d exist back home I wouldn`t get anything done, just zapping between the cinema and this place, watching movies `til kingdom come.

Talking `bout movies by the way, we`ve seen quite a lot of movies here which we haven`t talked about. And since this post won`t be able to have pictures (the USB-wire is 150 kilometers away, as said) I won`t write anything new. Even though we`ve seen some pretty cool things; for example the world`s largest wooden building housing a 467 tonne Buddha made of bronze, which was in a huge park with 1200 tame deers in (very weird), and the world`s largest aquarium tank (housing whale sharks!), 5400 tonnes worth of water`s in that.

Well, going back a couple of weeks we were in Yamagata, which is somewhat of a japenese mecca for moviebuffs. But only if you`re staying at the Hotel Route Inn. From there, you can see the cinema, so you can go there and watch the brand new movies, and then check in to your room where there`s a plethora of american movies at your hands. We did that. First we watched the (actually all-right) movie Speed Racer, then; The Invasion, Pursuit of Happyness, Kiss of the Dragon, Beowulf and maybe something more, can`t remember.
Oh, and some time in the beginning of our journey we went to the movies and watched Indiana Jones 4 and Rambo 4. The first; very family-friendly-fun with the usual nazis and whatnot, the second; bloodsquirtingly pure awesomeness.

This post will probably interest no one, but I felt as writing a bit. Now I think I`m going to watch Transformers (can`t really sleep in public spaces, so I`ll probably watch movies all night).

Have a blast, and be nice.

(PS. I`ve noticed that me writing so much has really awoken my somewhat weird, low-key humour, and for that I apologise, maybe. Well, I`m acknowledging it at least. DS)

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Haha! Ursäkta inte! Det är verkligen skitkul att läsa er blogg!!På tal om film ska vi kolla på Sweeney Todd i kväll och outlawed (med Jake Gyllenhaal) om vi orkar. Dessutom e bion här öppen i två veckor.. Tommi tycker att jag ska hälsa att han är uppe i ca. 520 filmer nu.. Tihi..

Christoffer sa...

Suck.. Nu tar det ju evigheter for mig att komma ifatt honom :p

Men men, till slut ^^

Vad bra att ni uppskattar bloggen, det ar ratt kul att skriva ocksa. Sweeney Todd vill jag duktigt mycket se, valdigt mycket reklam for den har borta.

Men men, ha det sa jattebra och halsa alla!

Anonym sa...

Är filmerna dubbade till japanska eller är det på originalspråk?