It`s due overtime, but here it is. The last, sure to be epic post of this amazing blog of ours. The date is now the eight of October, and we came back home on the eleventh of August, so it`s been a while.
Since our arrival back home we haven`t really had the motivation to write another post, `cause of the plain fact that we`re not in Japan anymore. But I thought that a finishing "what-are-they-up-to-now?"-post was not only necessary, but mandatory. What I`m going to write now is a bit of a mystery, since I can`t really tell anything new about Japan. The journey back went swimmingly though, except for the god damned airport-staff ripping apart my 250€ rucksack looking for a lighter within. A small hint for you travellers out there; don`t put lighters or gasoline in your backpack, it will only cause you problems (trust me, I know).
Other than that, no problems (if you don`t count me fuming the first couple of hours on the plane; poor Jonas). By the time we were greeted by our family, we were both really tired, and happy to be on our way to our own beds.
To sum up the journey; we both loved Japan and we had a wonderful time there (even though the humidity was ridiculous). All the people we met there were nice and fun, and they really made our time there even better. I (and I`m sure also Jonas) highly recomemnd to make this kind of a journey; sure, it costs a lot more than to go to south-east asia (where a bunch of friends are right now), but I mean, just read our blog. It has truly been an experience worth the price, without a doubt.
The first couple of days, or maybe even weeks, back home felt good, and it was nice to be in yor "real life" again. But now I`m starting to miss Japan, and thinking about how nice it would be to just walk around in a small countrytown, hiking in some mountains, or to simply walk through the many streets and backalleys of Kyoto and Tokyo again.
I`m definately going back there sometime, although not for a couple of years, since I´m now a student and don`t have the money or time to make such a trip. Jonas though, has said that he`s going back there next year again, so we`ll see if that works out (hope it does, so I can order some Fanta Melon and Suntory Pop from him).
Well, time for some info about our current situations (I`ll make it fast, I promise).
I am, as said, a student. I`m currently located in Uppsala, Sweden trying to acquire a Bachelor`s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. It`s quite fun, except that it`s a lot of math now in the beginning, but I`ll plough through that. I´ll be here for three years, so I´m thinking of starting another blog for my life here. It would mainly consist of pictures I think, since it`s actually quite beautiful up here in scadinavia if you look closely. But I´ll see if I have time for that (I will put up a link from this blog if I do it).
Jonas on the other hand felt that he wanted to work for a year, so he`s back home on Åland working up some hard cash to make that Japan-reunion next year a possibility. He also celebrated his twentieth birthday this saturday, so let us all congratulate him (albeit a bit late). Congrat`s!
Well, I feel this blog may have sadly lost its reason to live, but I will try to keep it alive, if not only for the pictures. It has been really fun doing this, and the next time I do an extended journey, I will definitely do it again. You have been a great audience, and I salute and thank you.
This is it, the final post is over, and we bid you adieu.
- Christoffer Blomqvist & Jonas Hedengren
5 kommentarer:
Verkligen jättebra sista inlägg. Ser fram emot din Uppsala-blogg nu! :)
Ah, ett sista inlägg. Nu kan jag gå vidare med mitt liv. Tack för en bra blogg, ser fram emot Uppsala-blogg jag med! ;)
Tack för kommentarerna, schysst :p
I hope you read this, because I can not find your e-mail adress! My e-mail is, so if you can send a mail to that adress, it would be great.
Well, I hope you notice this. Thanks for reading the blog by the way!
Happy New Year!
I am Hideo Noguchi,I met you at Asakusa temple in Tokyo.
Oh, by the way, your blog hasn't been updated in a while. Are you not writing in it anymore?
Hello from Hideo!
How have you been?
I send a email to your address today.
Please read that email from me!
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